November Motivation

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This month, it’s hard to think about anything but gratitude.

After all, it’s the season of giving and thanks. What is it about November that brings out the BEST in us?

Let’s face it, it’s not the pilgrims or the landing at Plymouth Rock. It’s the anticipation of spending time with family, and the sharing of that monster meal at the end of the month.

It’s the turkey that keeps us all together, am I right?

I’m reflecting on the many things I’m grateful for right now:

My best friend and partner, my husband Marc. Our children, our newly-renovated home, and our brand-new business concept, Hill Country FOOD PARK.

What is it that you are most grateful for?

If you’re not sure, let’s connect and find out.

I find it’s often my gratitude that fuels me, guiding my choices and my directions. When I’m “in gratitude” I’m more compassionate and more understanding. I’m more patient with the kids, and much less apt to judge.

Gratitude helps us feel satisfied and secure—and who doesn’t like feeling secure?

It’s that healthy dose of security that may even assist us in getting through the Thanksgiving family meal. As with any holiday get-together, it can sometimes be a challenge, what with all the opposing political views, clashing values, kids getting up and running around while the “grownups” are trying to have a nice meal.

Yes. Holiday dinners can be a shit show. But a few deep breaths and a healthy dose of gratitude may just get us through.

During this time of year, I think often of my brother, Michael, who was born Thanksgiving week, November 23, and is no longer with us. And I think about my grandparents, who are also no longer here. My grandmother Millie (my Mom’s mom) was a fantastic Italian cook. Her Thanksgivings were legendary. I’ll be sharing her recipe for stuffed artichokes on Instagram @kristenglosserman - watch for the adorable video of my girls making culinary magic! Hope you like the artichokes - and I’d love to hear about your favorite holiday recipe.


Thanksgiving also marks one year since we launched my coaching site,, and published my first blog. All 12 Monthly Motivations from the last year are up and ready for you at any time. Just click and browse a bit. It’s my hope that you’ll find something that resonates with you.

I’m looking forward to sitting down with family, and toasting everyone around the table. I’m so very grateful.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Kristen Glosserman